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Saturday, May 14, 2005

For Amanda: Here are the Gospel Singers

As promised, the gospel singers from the Nick Cave gig:

Gospel Singers

Nick Cave was great! Such a showman, but not in a bad way. Fantastic musicians, and two drummers! Imagine being in a band with two drummers! Perhaps it's best if I just stop there. Who knows how many drummers read this.

I took lots of photos, but I am going to have to figure out a way to photoshop them without Photoshop.

It turns out I am not a very good gig photographer for a couple of reasons. A) I have a standard compact camera with only a 3.1 optical zoom, and B) I am a silly scaredy cat when it comes to crowds. I tried going somehwere near the middle, but freaked out straight away and had to retreat. I ended up standing behind the sound desk and taking all my photos from there.

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