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Friday, April 15, 2005

From Naked Soap Containers to Coffee Pot Beer: A few amusing links.

Clothe your naked soap containers from the Crafster Blog. I love this blog. It is just so cool. The description: "Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors"; the categories: "crafts gone bad", "kraft werking"; and the overall design: go see for yourself!

Alien Bunnies
Angry Alien Productions have thirty second movie classics such as Alien, Jaws and Titanic acted out by bunnies. They made me smile. Thanks to Zen Tiger.

Alcohol Creation
Digg is distracting. Today it directed me to some instructions on How To Brew Beer in a Coffee Pot. I have a coffee pot! If I get around to experimenting I will share the results. Literally and Blogally.

You are most welcome.

I've just started doing weekly (weakly?) jokes at Zen State. Hope you saw the one about the Pope and Fast Cars.

A few of these will make their way to Sir Humphrey's when the material gets too dark.

It is like my spoonful of sugar ;-)
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